Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Holy Fool

This idea first jumped forward to me when I first started to look at narratives analytically earlier this semester. I think I will study what the idea of the fool, or more classically refereed too as the Trickster, through my eyes. Trickster characters have always been a favorite of mine. There are specific moments in my life where I remember being exposed to these sorts of archetypes and I remember them being relatable to a point that I looked for these characters in real life. I did some light reading on the subject. A few highlighted points that I want my characters to address for this short will be listed bellow.

- In pairs Tricksters relish in disruption of the status quo
- The ordinary world turns to chaos at the turn of a phrase or through physical antics
- Sometimes they don't change in their movie but their arch causes change in the world that reacts to them
- Laughter to see absurdity of situations, and force a change
- Sidekick in Westerns
- Mentor in Romantic Comedies(best friend)
- Help Heros outwit and disarm a villain or enemy
- Their Voice can be the most sane and reliable in the confusion of a journey.

These are the ideals that are informing my character. I will reffer to this post when thinking about the final production. It is just reference not a set of rules. 

Here is a study that I was looking at when thinking about these things! Swerve 

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