Saturday, September 8, 2012

Narrative and Visual Metaphor

Deductive Rhetorical Dialogue,
Everyone has a theory on how the world works, as artists we get to hold up a mirror to social conventions and say, "Hey now, That is not cool." Mass Media is an approach to film that enables a greater social dialogue. Media of the Masses forces to take a stance, we want to connect on some basic emotional level with the audience. 

Dada artist used what they had and painted what they knew in order to make observations about their world. With technology we can do that in the click of a button. Anyone can have a voice from any corner of the world.

Technology is social lubricant to articulate our thoughts. A guilty Pleasure of mine is this video podcast called Stuff They Don't Want You to Know. 

This podcast utilizes aspects of rhetorical argumentation effectively with a wide variety of visual metaphors infromed on appropriation and facts. This is my favorite kind of entertainment because of how heavy headed it is. It makes me enjoy it but still hold some questions as I leave the video. This is a good study for articulation through visual composites, and building an argument to highlight juxtapositions.

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