Dick House Productions is a group of collaborating artists that arose from the nineties. They are dudes who became famous for organizing events like CKY in the early 2000's and television shows such as Jackass. Recently producers and founders of Dick House have worked with Adult Swim to create the show Loiter Squad. Jeff Termaine and Lance Bangs are iconic figures to those of us who grew up in over saturation of Jackass on MTV in the 2000's. Lance was always the first camera man to puke when Steve-O, one of the reoccurring characters on Jackass, would explore his bodily functions. Usually on either sides of gross sounding documentation of these filthy men.
I call Dick House a group of collaborating artist because of the ensemble aesthetic of the show. I do mean ensemble, Johnny Knoxville was a struggling actor, Jeff Termain had a background in skateboard zeens, Steve O was a clown from wringing brothers, and they had a lot of writers working double time as actors as well. They used to joke about not writing stunts they wouldn't perform themselves, words I'm sure they ate as soon as they stepped up to the plate.
Often in the first season we would be welcomed to the show that week by Johnny Knoxville's introduction of "Hi my name is Johnny Knoxville, Welcome to Jackass" (insert nut shot)
At first this show was deplorable and a shining example of degenerate feelings that many youths felt coming out of the nineties and the disillusion with the 2000's. These interpretations are personal observations. We had made it to the new millennium and the greatest invention was the internet. We wanted MF flying cars and tele porters and pill meals that just required water to serve a family of five. At the end of the day we noticed that the dreams we had of the past were not a promise, They were a challenge. "Future man kind, this is what we expect of you, do not let us down." That is the sentiment I get from the Jetsons and Houses of Tomorrow. We are not garnered a steady ride, we are not assured of morals, we make our narratives and weave our own personal legends. That is what the people at Dick House Productions showed a fifteen year old Jorge. Also a lot of stunts I never tried because of the fully physical reaction these stunts pried from me.
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