Everyone lines up infront of a camera. They take turns in the exact same spot to present to the camera. In this case we will use a mac. They will be assigned a sentance explaining one of the virtues that I hold to be true and self evidant. The comintators will be giving a random order of comentating. This will leave the structure of how the messages are structured up to fate. Everyone will perform infront of one another. The social construct will be that no one can comment on the individual explanation of the greater virtue. Participants will be encouraged use anecdotes and memories to attempt a bridge to the collective unconsciousness. The videos responses will be organized and displayed as one complete narative. Three act structure and greater over arching themes will all be provided to the participants. Depending on weather or not the final product product maintains those rules is entirely in the hands of those who made. Those who made it will then also be those viewing it. The point of this exercise will be to gather insight and perspective. I want to create a game that I can use to Proof Test my concept.
Now that our references are in order we will let the fun part begin. From this point in the game no one is allowed to speak. Body language is acceptiable.
-At this point themes are passed around. Only one per person until there are no more.
-Substitutions are allowed as long as the disclosure of the rejected theme is kept to the readers.
-Five minets will be allowed to look up definitions using the built in mac software. The internet is frowned upon.
-There are no incorrect connotations, denotations may inform connotations.
The Performer will have their back turned to the audience (students)
-stare into the screen to deliver their lines.
-the performer should convey the theme assigned through personally informed discussions.
-the only limit that the performer should be afraid off is running out of time.
-45 seconds allowed to elaborate on theme
-time restrictions are self enforced and serve the greater good of the game
-the performer will note their connotations and personally informed denotations during their performance.
The performers must then act as an audicence. The performances will be delivered at the front of the room. The only thing the performer can see is themselves elaborating on their assigned concepts (web cam). The concepts must be surrendered at the end of each performance. The final product should be an analogue representation of my concept. It will also be an opportunity to examine how people will react to such a constructed reality that is informed on their individual experiances. I hope that this exercise will help solidify some of my theories on how people perceive situations. I will know where everyone is coming from. As the project is built I want people to wonder what it all means. Eventually growing to a full conceptual understand of the piece as modules and greater strives to understand the great mono-myth often referred to as the hero with a thousand faces is fleshed out. I want to create a whole new narrative informed on my understandings, molded in the hands of the audience, and both those involved and I to come and see what we have created.
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