Thursday, August 30, 2012

Through the Virtues of my Virtue

 -I want to attempt to create a visual mapping of my personal morals and standards that an audience can interact with and reflect on their personal virtues with a toy.

I have found what I want my theme this semester to be in good ol Dynamic Imaging. Since high school and my first thoughts about the world and how we exist with one another. I have always been drawn to social questions and justifications. I am always curious about why we approach subjects the way we do. I find my self questioning myself constantly, through inner monologue. Perhaps I need to read more books and have more visual brainstorms? I guess what I am drawn to within my day to day life is questioning morals that society holds to be truthful and steadfast. Social Class, Citizenship in the State, Religion, War, Death, Mortality, Happiness, Truth, Friendship, These are all psychic connections that we all share as individuals in our communities but also as citizens of the world. I want to create a visual representation of what defines these abstract thoughts to me. I want to use my informed point of view to try and communicate these themes through my personal slant. I believe that artist produce the propaganda that they want to produce, sometimes their drive is power, money, or lust. I hope to approach this topic from a personal reverend manner that is honest to myself regardless of how my stances of people who oppose my views.  I hope that those who view this installation will be able to come away with a new perspective on a subjects that I hold dear but that are relatable to most. I have seen the mechanics of these videos working in a formulated manner from panel to panel. The first panels will be simpler morality questions, the base image will be a constant looping backgrounds. Depending on the interactions of the audience with the piece a series of actors and visual devices will be triggered to perform a completely original act every time the work is viewed. There will be high keys and low keys to be triggered for each base plate loop, the high keys will trigger actors that I belive to be in proper standing with the moral being explored. The low keyes will be visual representations of actors that i belive to be counterintuitive to each moral.

A still life of morbid happiness for me that is painted with a wooden mirror symbolizing stability and a culture able of industrialized comodity. A cat enters from the far left, this black cat is symbolic of a proletariat struggle, some of the high points are industrially structured shots. other High points elevate that struggle to a glorified blazing symbol of introspective struggle. Low keys cause a clinical third party triggered by the viewer to interact with the cat. This objective force acting on the cat will represent a higher class of ruling elites that interact with the cat. Some low blows to the cat will include taunting with a lazar so the cat has a perpetual goal it can never achive. Other times the objective force feeds the cat or give water to the cat. If the viewer can figure a system to the madness they could construct personal narratives using these individual metaphores. I want someone to come in and be able to tell the story of a revolution by first having an existential crisis. This will be the base loop that the previous person has left. Only three baseplate midtown will be considered as base plates. The audience should want to interact freely with the instalation. I hope that this will create an open dialogue in a gallery space to allow for a study into the idea of passive happiness or angry morbidness. I want to see the divides in the dialogue across the whole space.

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